Network Television and Star Trek

Star Trek: The Original Series benefitted from the business of television but not necessarily from business "as usual." The first pilot for the series, The Cage , was deemed by network exes to be "too cerebral." Rather than scrap the series, however, they took the unprecedented step of commissioning a second pilot. Changes like more colorful costuming, storylines featuring more action and adventure and, crucially, a recast of the lead role to showcase William Shatner's zest for the part of Captain Kirk, created a new show. This reimagining of Star Trek fulfilled the network's goal of a "family-friendly" show that would keep viewers watching during those all-important commercials. Star Trek also had the good fortune to be produced by a very supportive company, DesiLu Productions. Its owner, Lucille Ball (one of the only women to own her own production company at the time), was so devoted to the success of the...