Stardate 99080.84 Welcome to my Starlog! I will share thoughts about Star Trek's influence on culture and science in response to prompts from the edX Star Trek course. My name is Heather, and I never thought I'd be a Trekker! I was never interested in sci-fi as a kid, and didn't really understand the appeal. When I met my eventual-husband, I found out that he was a lifelong Star Trek fan. Voyager came out shortly after we started dating, and I quickly fell in love with the stories, characters, and message. Every new episode was a mini-celebration. It was definitely "our" show. We still observe our Voyager-versary. Fast-forward to today: I own several Trek costumes and t-shirts, as well as some pretty rad bat'leth earrings. We take advantage of every opportunity to attend Trek-related events, and the release of any new Trek is still cause for celebration. And, I recently enrolled in the Klingon Language Institute. ...